Client Education

Client Education

How To Trim Your Pet's Toenails

It is very important to begin getting your pet comfortable with their feet being handled. You should start with puppies and kittens as young as possible. Always start by playing with their feet and get them used to having them handled. Then slowly begin to introduce the nail trimmers. If you feel uncomfortable about trimming your pet's nails please give us a call at 440-577-1111 and we can help you get the job done!​
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Senior Health

Although senior pets may develop age-related problems, good care allows them to live happy, healthy and active lives in their senior years.  While it’s easy to spot the outward signs of aging such as graying hair coat and slower pace, it’s important to remember a pet’s organ systems are also changing. An older pet is more likely to develop diseases such as heart, kidney and liver disease, cancer or arthritis.
Keep your senior pet healthy.

Preventative medicine at Western Reserve Animal Clinic

Importance of Prevention

The old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" certainly holds true when it comes to pet health. The cost of prevention is often a fraction of the cost of treating a disease or problem once it has become more advanced, and early diagnosis and treatment of developing problems or diseases can increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Care Credit

CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for your health and wellness needs for you, your entire family and your pets.
Use Care Credit at Western Reserve Animal Clinic

Learn how to prevent dental disease in your pets.

Dental Disease

Dental disease is the most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs and cats and is entirely preventable. By three years of age, most dogs and cats have some evidence of periodontal disease. Unfortunately, other than bad breath, there are few signs of the disease process evident to the owner, and professional dental cleaning and periodontal therapy often comes too late to prevent extensive disease or to save teeth. As a result, periodontal disease is usually under-treated, and may cause multiple problems in the oral cavity and may be associated with damage to internal organs in some patients as they age. Have you looked in your pet's mouth lately?

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