
Our Services


Surgery Services at Western Reserve Animal Clinic
At Western Reserve Animal Clinic, we provide a wide variety of surgical procedures. The safety of our patients is our highest priority.  Our patients deserve the best care out there so our highly trained staff will perform a pre-surgical examination and run an extensive blood work panel so that we may choose the best anesthetic protocol for each individual patient. All of our surgical patients are provided with the most state of the art monitoring equipment that our surgical technician will control and monitor. Postoperatively your best friend will be resting comfortably in our quiet, cozy recovery room. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call and set up a surgical consultation with us.

Some of the procedures we offer at WRAC include spays and neuters at affordable prices. Soft tissue surgery such as mass removals, bladder stone surgery, and laceration repairs. Exploratory and foreign body removal.
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Radiology Services at  Western Reserve Animal Clinic
X-Ray is a highly useful diagnostic tool we offer here at WRAC. As our patients cannot tell us what they feel or where is hurts, we can take a deeper look and diagnose a multitude of problems such as heart disease, lung disease, bowel obstructions, foreign bodies, and bone fractures. We also utilize X-Ray for certain breed dispositions and our geriatric patients as a part of their preventive care.
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Preventive Care

Wellness exams & preventative care at Western Reserve Animal Clinic
Our team at WRAC believe that prevention is always the best medicine. We are dedicated to providing your best friend with the quality of care so that he or she can live a long and happy life with you. 
  • For our younger patients under the age of 7, we recommend a comprehensive physical exam once a year.  Each year we will tailor your pets needs according to their lifestyle. We will develop a vaccination and wellness care program that best fits you and your pet.

  • For our gracefully aging patients over the age of 7, we recommend a comprehensive physical exam every 6 months. As we all know, our pets age much faster than we do so twice a year exam will help us to create a wellness program designed to monitor these life changes. You know your pet better than anyone so together we can develop a plan that best fits your pet's needs.
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Dental Services

Professional pet Dental Services staff at Western Reserve Animal Clinic utilize state-of-the-art equipment
Dental health is one of the most overlooked preventive measures we can take for our pets. Like us, dental disease can lead to a variety of other health issues such as, heart, kidney, and liver disease. By 3 years of age, most dogs and cats already have evidence of periodontal disease. The staff at WRAC decided to take action and we created an affordable dental cleaning package to make it easier to provide the quality care our pets deserve. If your pet has bad breath, there may be an underlying issue. If any of these instances are happening in your home, please call for a dental consultation today!
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Ultra Sound

Ultra Sound Diagnostic Services at  Western Reserve Animal Clinic
Ultrasound is another noninvasive diagnostic tool available to our clients and patients at WRAC. It allows two-dimensional visualization of the organ systems within the abdomen. It is more sensitive than radiographs which are two-dimensional by allowing visualization of the internal structures of the organs. During an ultrasound examination of the abdomen, we are looking for any architectural or anatomical changes to the organs, evidence of masses or tumors, enlarged lymph nodes, the presence of fluid or gas within the abdominal cavity, evidence of obstruction of tubular structures such as the common bile duct or ureters, stones within the urinary bladder or other parts of the renal system, and signs of changes within the organ systems that may be related to the development of disease processes.
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Senior Care

Veterinary Care for Senior Pets at Western Reserve Animal Clinic
Our senior pets require a bit more specialized attention as they gracefully age. At the age of 7 our friends move into the geriatric stage of life and things begin to change. Bringing your senior pet in twice a year will increase our chances of detecting illnesses at their early stages, which may improve treatment options. We offer in house blood work, nutritional and supplement counseling, radiology, and a variety of other services to help our seniors stay happy and healthy.  

"Age is a journey, not a disease"
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In-House Lab Services

In-House Laboratory Services through  Western Reserve Animal Clinic
At Western Reserve Animal Clinic, we have the most state of the blood and urine analyzers. We can run our diagnostics in the hospital and have results within 10 minutes. With these analyzers, we can quickly and accurately diagnose a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. We do not feel you and your pet should have to wait for results from an outside lab that could take days to get back. Your pet is our number one priority and we want to get to the bottom of any illness as quickly as possible.
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